Tuesday 24 May 2016

Day 4, May 23. A grey day

From: Hällsö
To: Lysekil, Södra hamnen.
Distance: 35,5 km
Wind: S-SW 5 m/s
Weather: Fog and showers all day
Waking up to the sound of raindrops falling on the canvas. I think I can start using this as my alarm clock since it's seems to be something happening every morning. Checked the weather forecast and found that they promised it would stop around 9. So just turned over and went back to sleep. When finally starting to pack all the gear I actually caught a couple of rays of sun and got the sun screen out thinking I'll need it during the day. Well, could not have been more wrong, pretty soon raindrops started falling and the fog rolled in. And it stayed that way for the rest of the day.

Just before paddling through Hunnebostrand, I found this!!!
Made me miss diving practice. If it would have been a bit warmer (both air and water) I would definitely have had a go!

Navigating in the fog is a rather interesting task when there is a km or two over to the next island and you see next to nothing. I'm super pleased I got a deck compass for the kayak but still don't trust my ability to go 100% straight after taking out the bearing over a sound.

Since the winds were quite light today I managed to get it all sussed finding my way down to Lysekil passing Hunnebostrand, Smögen, Kungshamn and also Skalhamn, a small village where I used to spend my summers when I was a small kid.
Lysekil is the place where I hopefully will pick up my new cooker tomorrow and also the place where I will spend the night on a friends yacht. Realizing I'm not enough of an acrobat to let myself onboard the yacht straight out of the kayak I finally found a small jetty I guess is used primarily by the local Sailing club for their dinghies. I do hope they don't have practice tonight becase I tied up my kayak nicely to that jetty entierly occupying one of the sides.
Thank you so much Nina for letting me sleep on your yacht and giving me a possibility to have a shower and dry my soaked clothes 😘!

Today's route:

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