Sunday 12 June 2016

Day 23, June 11. Just another day in the kayak.

From: Äspenäsudde
To: Sandvik
Distance: 42 km
Total distance: 909,5 km
Wind: NE 2-9 m/s
Weather: Mostly sunny, 15 C (very cold northern winds)
Absolutely freezing this morning when I woke up, usually I just want to get out of the tent when hit by the first rays of sun since it gets super-hot. This morning when the sun started shining it was wonderful and I didn't want to leave at all. Finally got myself and all the stuff together and started paddling ten sharp. That might not seem so late but then just consider the fact that I had been awake since 6 am...
Had my goal set for the day and that was to reach Sandvik where I could spend the night with Gunnar and Lena, parents of a very good friend of mine. Head wind all day and the paddling was a boring struggle. At least I got to see heaps of seals close to the end of today's lap, there must have been at least 200 and they were quite playful, following the kayak, making big splashes when diving and just sticking their heads up looking at me pass by.
Now I'm lying in a proper bed again (feels like it was only yesterday I was in Kivik) after a great meal (including strawberries for desert👍), thank you Gunnar and Lena for your great hospitality!
Since the distance covered today was rather dull and I've given up photographing the seals there are no photos 😳 (plus also got my phone wet when putting it in the pocket on the spray skirt - result - dead 😢, have to try and resolve that tomorrow). Hope there will be an improvement tomorrow when I pass Kalmar.
Today's route:

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