Friday 17 June 2016

Day 28, June 16. 15 lighthouses and a fish farm

From: Häggskär
To: Olsön
Distance: 35,5 km
Total distance: 1125 km
Wind: N gradually turning to W during the afternoon, 4-8 m/s
Weather: Rain, 15 C
Woke up to the sound of drizzling rain this morning as I expected. Rain makes very hard to get yourself together and into the kayak. First it's just the fact that it is raining and not as pleasant to be outside as when the sun is shining. Second it's trying to get all the gear from the tent and into the kayak without getting everything wet during the packing procedure. Once you are in the kayak it doesn't matter anymore, you stay as warm and dry as you normally do.
After checking the forecast there seemed to be a chance of a pause in all the rain just after lunch and for once it was actually correct! Managed to get all the stuff and me ready just before I felt the first drops again. This was at 1 pm...
Had a gray but ok afternoon paddling, passed the highest number of lighthouses in an afternoon than I have ever before, I counted and got to 15 (might have missed one or two, don't know). Guess that with this kind of archipelago you will need lots of guiding light to make it through in one piece if going by night.

Also passed what I assume was a small fish farm. If anyone knows better please correct me.
Tomorrow the weather is looking ok, it won't start raining until 6 pm but the then it will be heavy rain until Saturday afternoon together with very strong winds! Ugh, not exactly the weather you hope for as a kayaker.
Today's route:

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