Monday 27 June 2016

Day 38, June 26. Back in the kayak

From: Romholmen
To: Isskären
Distance: 35 km
Total distance: 1243,5 km
Wind: E 1-5 m/s
Weather: Cloudy, foggy and a little, little bit of sun
So it was time to once again to say good bye to the family and get back to paddling (this time only for a couple of days since we will get together again at a colleague's summer house north of Stockholm probably on Wednesday). I've had a fantastic "rest" week (but stressful...) and a great Midsummer with family, friends, good food, sun and my first real swim in the sea this year (being wet all day, every day in the kayak has not exactly made me want to jump in at night when touching dry land). The week in Stockholm was spent driving my kids around to the two different sports camps they were attending, making/buying improvements to my gear (I now have a waterproof case to my phone for example...) and making up for the time I been away around the house.
Took some time during the morning to get all the gear sorted and packed and had a house full of guests that were also packing getting ready to drive home so I didn't start paddling until 12:30.

In light head wind I took off having a first break planned when arriving at Stendörren Naturereserve where my parents and good friends of theirs were with their boats, time for coffee and cinnamon rolls!
Leaving Stendörren the fog started rolling in and when being in the middle of the straight Yttre Hållsfjärden I couldn't see land in any direction. For a about 5 minutes the sun came out but just at the particular spot I was at and a couple of hundred meters in every direction, the rest still hidden in the fog, very strange but fascinating conditions.
Temporary sunshine in the mist.
Being away from paddling for just one week left me with a little bit of sore hands after today's leg but the rest of my body seems to be handling it better.
Today's route:

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